Sometimes critiques can take an author by surprise. It’s too easy to make negative assumptions when in truth the critiquer meant no offense. The Author’s Code of Conduct is here to remind members how to act when dealing with critiques they might not like.
Scribophile is a respectful community, and we take this code to heart.
Don’t Take It Personally
Critiquers aren’t trying to attack you, to purposely hurt your feelings, or to get you down. They don’t even know who you are. They’re telling you what they honestly think of your writing because they genuinely want you to improve.
Be Grateful
Being critiqued is a privilege, not a right. Someone has taken time out of their day to read your writing and to put their feedback into words for you. Appreciate the effort they’ve given even if you don’t agree with the critique, and make sure to say “thank you”.
Don’t Get Defensive
If a critique really gets to you, wait a day and cool down before responding. Becoming defensive is a sure way to dissuade others from critiquing your work in the future, and will sting the critiquer who took the time to give you feedback.
Be Understanding
Not everyone has written a critique before. What you might consider a sub-par or useless critique may be someone’s first-ever try. Instead of responding in an aggressive or accusatory way, reach out and help them improve their critiquing skills.
No Matter What, Stay Polite
Even if you’re positive you’re dealing with a flat-out jerk, stay polite anyway. Keep your cool, don’t stoop to their level, and don’t start a nasty argument; instead, report inappropriate behavior to us and we’ll take care of it.