Jennifer Silva Redmond
Jennifer Silva Redmond is the author of Honeymoon at Sea: How I Found Myself Living on a Small Boat (Sept 2023, Re:books, Toronto) and a freelance editor. Her essays, articles, and fiction have been published in numerous anthologies and magazines, and on sites such as Brevity. On the staff of the Southern California Writers’ Conference and San Diego Writers, Ink, she was the prose editor for A Year in Ink, vol 3, and founded the critically acclaimed Sea of Cortez Review.
Formerly editor-in-chief of Sunbelt Publications of San Diego, Jennifer is now their editor-at-large. Her book reviews and blog posts about writing, editing, and the sailing life can be found at or on her Substack newsletter. She lives with her husband Russel, an artist and teacher, aboard their sailboat Watchfire, somewhere on the West Coast of North America.