No-Plot Plotting Methods for Desperate Pantsers

with Fija Callaghan

Tuesday November 28, 2023 12:00pm US Central time • 1½ hour webinar

One-time Zoom webinar

Perfect for
Writers of any genre

Live attendance is not required: enrollees can watch the recording at any time after the workshop!

You’ll often hear about fiction writers being divided into two warring factions: plotters (those who meticulously plan out their stories, beat by beat, before they begin), and pantsers (those who hit the page running and fly by the seat of their pants). While pantser storytelling can be organic, fresh, and powerful, it can also create problems along the way if you run into plot holes or don’t know where to go next.

In this workshop, we’ll explore three flexible, low-stress plotting methods to guide your story and help keep you on the right track. Together we’ll brainstorm new ideas, give direction to your works in progress, and build the foundation of a new story from the ground up. Whether you’re trying to gather momentum on a current project, or you’re looking for inspiration for something new, you’ll come away with actionable strategies and new confidence in your storytelling skills.

Zoom schedule

Everyone enrolled in this webinar will receive a copy of the recording afterwards, so you can review it later in case you missed it.

  • Tuesday November 28, 2023 12:00pm US Central time — 1 hour 30 minutes

How this workshop works

This workshop is a live Zoom webinar. Sign in from anywhere in the world and participate live as the instructor conducts the workshop, with time for Q&A at the end.

About Fija Callaghan

Fija Callaghan

Fija Callaghan is an author and professional freelance writer. She began her freelance career writing about a range of topics including health, food, and luxury goods and has now comfortably settled into writing about literature. Her current work includes blog posts about newly released books, lessons on the craft of creative writing, and teachers’ resources on classic literature and poetry. She likes cookies quite a bit.

Other workshops starting soon

Tuesday November 28, 2023 12:00pm US Central time
1½ hour webinar

Premium members have full access to recordings of all of our past craft workshops.

Join now & watch the recording