Get a Free Writing Progress Meter for Your Website or Blog
Let everyone know the progress of your novel, story, or poetry by adding a writing progress widget to your website or blog sidebar. You can update your progress manually, or, if you have a Scribophile account, you can link your Scribophile novel progress meter to this widget so that the widget updates automatically. But you don’t need a Scribophile account to get a free widget!
If you have a Scribophile account, you can even link it to your NaNoWriMo progress!

How to create a writing progress meter
Fill out the form below to generate your custom writing progress meter. As you fill it out, you can see a preview of what your progress meter will look like at the bottom of the form.
Once you’re finished, copy the source code in the box at the bottom of the form into your website or blogging platform.
Here are detailed installation instructions for a few of the more popular blogging platforms:
How to update your writing progress meter
If you have a Scribophile account, you can link your meter to update automatically with the novel progress meter on your Scribophile profile page.
If you don’t have a Scribophile account, you can update this writing progress meter manually by editing the progress meter’s source code. I know that sounds scary, but it’s actually really easy. All you have to do is look in the source code and find the text that says current=SOME_NUMBER
with you current word count, leaving everything else the same, and save the changes to your website or blog. Your progress meter will update immediately!
How to link your writing progress meter to your NaNoWriMo account
You’ll need a free Scribophile account. Once you’re logged in to Scribophile, set up the novel progress meter on your personal profile page, and select the option to link it to your NaNoWriMo account. Then, continue to fill out this form and select the option to link the widget to your Scribophile novel progress. That’s all there is to it! Your writing progress widget will be automatically updated with your NaNoWriMo progress.